BIV*8   NOM*4


The Best Youngster/Junior in Östkatten  Year 2006, all breeds, and 3:rd Best Östkatt Totaly

 Come on 21:th place
on Sveraks list over Youngster/Junior År 2006 Kat.2 Semilanghair

The Best Youngster
in The Maine Club År 2006

CH NL*Timaracoon's Alisha just soo beautiful. A female with large, upright ears with very long lynx tips, a square muzzle, clean profile and a strong chin.. She has a very, very long and bushy tail. Her temper is amazing, she's purring and kissing us as soon she's got time

 Alisha is a supermama who's got 7 amazing kittens in her first litter, the A-litter. She ha got two more litters but there has only given one kitten in each. Look under Litters. Her litter was our cattery's first litter.. We are very proud over her.

Thank's to Tiny och Martin, Timaracoon's Cattery, Holland for this delightful and lovely little girl

HCM-screentested 2006-11-01 Neg.

HCM-screentested 2008-04-01 Neg.


HD-tested 2008-04-08 N/N

Import from Holland